I wasn’t paid for this, this was part of a school project I had to do about 2 years ago when I was in 9th grade.

We had to do something in biology and me and my friend both decided we should make an informational app that shows info about different kinds of birds. It was an Android app, it was before I moved to iOS development.

We knew absolutely nothing about advanced layout development and constraints and layouts or anything, and we barely knew how to navigate the Android UI framework.

We had like 5 days to work on this shit. We wanted it to look nice and somehow we came up with a layout that doesn’t look all fucked up between form factors and we barely had to code anything in Java, it was all just layouts and shit. But we knew absolutely NOTHING.

We totally failed. The project stunk so much I don’t have a backup of it anywhere and I am glad that is so.

Looking back at this shit ass project, I can see how much I learned in the process in terms of app development and my general knowledge and skills in computer science, 99% of it by teaching myself.

  • 2
    Heh I wish I had something to call a crazy project but yeah that sucks
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