
Is this me only thinking of World War 3?

  • 4
    There's 7 thousands millions of us.
    Tell me the probability you aren't the only one first.
  • 3
    You underestimate how little most people in the world care.
  • 1
    @HitWRight couldn't say better myself
  • 0
    @c3r38r170 we are already at 8 billions
  • 4
    There's simply not enough geopolitical interest for the Israel / Palestine conflict to turn into a world war.
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    @domfoo does it matter? It's too much people either way. Something around 8 or more times too much.
  • 2
    It resembles more a civil war than a world war
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    @electrineer How?
    This conflict can be more devastating than thought of and recognizing it as civil wars is not justified
  • 0
    @Eklavya which conflict?
  • 1
    @iiii between palestina and israel.
  • 0
    @stop nah. It won't cause world war ever. It is located somewhere where no one gives a fuck out of all major powers who could participate in a world war.
  • 2
    Ww3 will start in either eastern Europe involving Ukraine, Poland, Germany, russia, and the u.s., or it will start between the u.s. china, and australia.

    Those are the most probable places.
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