Been playing FO4. Not sure I liked it at first. Now I look forward to blowing NPCs heads off with shotguns, or sniping and watching heads jib. It is also satisfying to blow up kamikaze mutants by shooting the bomb in their hands.

I find the computer hacking to be quite amusing as well. Cause computers and hacking...

I of course modded the hell out of it and added a mod to enable achievements even though its modded. I haven't installed many cheat mods. Mainly just carry limit addons because I like carrying a wagons worth of loot around.

Oh, and automatron robots are op as hell.

  • 1
    I really liked that game. Not my favorite of the franchise but it gave it an updated look at the time and added cool features like settlement building. It’s too bad we won’t get a real sequel for a long time.
  • 0
    What is the name of the game?
  • 1
    “Gib” not “jib”
    GIF not jif.

    @iiii Fallout 4, I think?
  • 0
    I feel like speech was always neglected. I always wanted to be able to set guards fighting, spread rumors, use ridiculously tall tales, and other verbal shenanigans.

    Instead all we get is weak ass skill checks. I guess the base building was something, but really only when you add on mods.
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