Yesterday I was in an interview and the chief of that company asked me how old I am and where I am from.

After that he said that "This is a multicultural company btw. We welcome everyone".

I wonder what he was thinking while saying that.

  • 1
    Hypocrites. Hypocrites everywhere.
  • 2
    Subtle hints....
  • 2
    I’m pretty sure those kinds of questions can be seen as discriminatory... that might be illegal depending on where you’re interviewing.
  • 1
    "this is a nultucultural company"

    "how much can I get away with paying them under the average?"


    "how many tax credits and other writeoffs can I get for hiring an h1b or similar?"
  • 0
    @Wisecrack I want to clarify I'm not against H1Bs.

    What I'm against is exploiting imported or overseas labor, specifically to get away with wage suppression.

    If someone has earned the right to work here (at least the u.s.) then they deserve to be compensated just as much for their labor as any one else of the same skill level.
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