I'm so evil.... Hahahaha I just created this URL https://bit.ly/3yRwtOw just to prank my friend who said that QR won't give you virus. Well... Heres a while loop programme.

Which will endlessly open a new tab in the browser.

  • 1
    That's evil 😂
  • 0
    @HitWRight well I make a qr out of this , he scanned it and shocked as his chrome overloaded with tabs...
  • 2
    @johnmelodyme The Best part is if you use some browsers, they save the last page visited and always open that, making the phone unusable ;D
  • 2
    @HitWRight this is scary
  • 0
    Browser says it blocked 25 popups.
  • 1
    @mundo03 press allow for the magic just kidding ... Just don't
  • 3
    @johnmelodyme i hope it opened more than 25 and steals some user data.

    You can also start showin a lot of alerts with an ok button and after 20 ask for permissions to install extensions or get access to camera or something, take pictures, get location, email them all to a group of people

    Shame your friends, hard.
  • 2
    @mundo03 wait this is even more evil...
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