Where to start learning openGl??? I know, theres sometting like google, but I would like to hear things like good practises and stuff...

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    OpenGL itself isn't that hard to find. I looked at https://github.com/McNopper/... This repo was the most useful for me together with http://3dengine.org/ and http://lighthouse3d.com/tutorials/ What's the most problematic is learning GLSL(shaders) (imo) if you haven't even seen it before.

    Finding a good tutorial for GLSL is a fucking nightmare. I found almost nowhere explained how to get a value into the shader and if(and when) you can actually edit it. Each and every tutorial I found was about Phong and some simple shaders. Those can give you a half-dead bare and broken idea what you can do with GLSL.

    What you can do is get any simple shader you can find, try to port it to your codebase and build a single shader where YOU will understand what works how. The most useful stuff I found were custom 3D engines that had shaders in their repositories and then youtube videos of someone actually using GLSL while creating a 3D engine.

    Show me a good GLSL tutorial if you find one ^^
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    @KeyWeeUsr thank you :) I will.
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    For shader learning I recommend GLSL Shader Editor (I think it's called that) for Android. It lets you write fragment shaders and see them run - but it doesn't actually teach you about GLSL much, and I'm not sure where you can find out about that.

    Also, when using OpenGL, be prepared to sit at your computer scratching your head a lot. I still can't figure out the issue with my simple draw-a-triangle code...
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