
256 kbps internet from Iran Telecommiunication Center ISP
i download 50mb archive in 30 minutes
should i suicide ???

  • 7
    Eh, try moving first?
  • 2
    Wow that's really slow for 2017
  • 0
    ha ha ha i told them but they said we can't do anything :)
  • 5
    Don't suicide, we got enough of that from the middle east. Sorry for the joke lol ^^
  • 0
    And I cringe when my downloading speed is under 1MB
  • 0
    Egypt--> 150kb/s top 😓
  • 0
    Nothing to complain about here in South Africa. Pay for what i get, and get what I pay for.
  • 2
    Use to be a normal data speed in India 3 years ago. We've now progressed to 10 mbps .. yehhh..
  • 0
    Also in AUS, just moved to a new location. Most ISP that we could go with told us we could only get a ADSL connection with speeds between 3Mbps to 6Mbps but we found one which could do ADSL2 with speeds which can reach 20Mbps but that we were told expect less. Just waiting to be connected now...
  • 1
    People are missing out the the government in Iran has reduced the max speed of every internet connection in that country to 0.27Mb/s
  • 2
    In Romania we've got 100 mbps
  • 0
    god bless your country ISPes
    even can't play a dota 2 match :((
    i really missed dota 2
  • 1
    @Linux what the actual fuck
  • 1
    New connection. Now.
  • 1
    He cant do anything about it.

    Its true
  • 1
    @n1arash you can code that 50mb before finishing download 😝
  • 0
    No worries mate. Hopefully wheel get connected this week. @jAsE
  • 0
    @Linux bad location?
  • 0
    Iran, government policies
  • 0
    My parent have no access to ADSL yet... And now when Telia is purging all the copperwires, the muncipiality will dig some fibre
  • 0
    @jAsE I remembered you asked for an update. We are getting connected sometime today, and it's a cable connection. Yes it took a while but hopefully the cable speeds will be worth it. I might make a dedicated post with a bit of background info.
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