
Does anybody know why devrant uses the accelerometer sensor?

  • 3
    @dfox what are you measuring m8
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  • 4
    It measures how sleepy you are when you slowly lower the device until you become inactive, then it feeds on your brainwaves and rants for you!
  • 3
    I dont think they are using it...
  • 3
    Probably to test if screen is in portrait or landscape.
  • 2
    Well screen orientation (at least in java) is declared in android manifest as
    android:orientation="<orientation value>"
  • 3
    @CozyPlanes I'm not sure but since this app isn't native​ java, it's JavaScript running in titanium. So i think that titanium needs the accelerometer for orientation (don't quote me on this, i have only made android apps in native, react and cordova, not titanium)
  • 7
    Found out titanium,uses accelerometer to detect orientation.
    Possible flags...

    Ti.UI.UNKNOWN – the app cannot detect the position





    Ti.UI.FACE_DOWN – like resting on a table with the screen downward

    Ti.UI.FACE_UP – like resting on a table but with the screen upward
  • 1
    @dfox answer buddy
  • 2
    @Nayan read @CozyPlanes latest comment.
  • 1
    Got it thanks dacexi
    I should get rid from lazyness 😶
  • 0
    To make you remember how fast you were scrolling 🤗😆
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