People are excited for new Windows update.
Meanwhile me...
Just formatted my laptop for Ubuntu

  • 1
    I am old enough to remember when tech didn't have virtue signalling...

    But when all other tech options are from evil empires...
  • 3
    How do you know someone uses Linux.

    Apparently they'll tell you about the latest windows update.
  • 2
    LOL, these people exist? I probably just erased any memory of those... or there is no merit in hailing Windows updates because they are so annoying and uninspired, everyone gets used to this buttfuckery or becomes a mom's hacker by editing registry as a result.
  • 4
    People are excited to receive Windows Updates?
  • 4
    If you like Ubuntu, you may like Mint Cinnamon even better because it's basically what Ubuntu should have been in the first place.
  • 1
    Manjaro deepin takes the cake
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