
Have you interacted with other devs with same level of experience and wondering about the big skill gap between you and them?
Wondering if you are actually a walking genius for having a lot more knowledge/understanding or if they are just plainly dumb and lazy.


  • 3
    I find devs often over analyze trivia and rando bits of knowledge and make it out to be a big deal if someone doesn't know it.

    I think it is hard to really gauge someone's capabilities without working with them, a lot.

    Granted... there are still lazy devs.
  • 1
    I am lazy as fuck 🖐️
  • 1
    I find it to be a mix. I am weak at math and algos (working on that). Yet I have a better feel than some of the other developers for selecting tech stacks and paths for design. I also intuit a lot of things about the dev process that other devs don't seem to get.
  • 3
    @iiii lazy and smart is the best combination
  • 0
    @electrineer I'm not that sure about the "smart" part. Surely not when I'm constantly sleep-deprived and depressed at the same time.
  • 2
    There are passionated devs that gathers a shitton of knowledges and skills, and there are those who see being a dev just a "job" and don't feel this necessity
  • 1
    Yup, and it's painful when the other dev is a lazy fuck who doesn't want to get out of their comfort zone.
  • 0
    Haven't been close enough to enough other devs recently to judge that. Copying a comment I just posted on another thread:

    "My current employer has been really understanding about my mental health issues, but even apart from anything covid related: I'm the only actual techie in-house, and I think it has really distorted things for me not working closely with other devs."
  • 0
    @electrineer i double down on this comment. Lazy devs = best devs cuz they’re too lazy to over engineer shit, so usually it’s an elegant simple solution.
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