Worked whole day from home.
Came today to work, realized i forgot to git push.

  • 0
    Remote desktop in and push? I have to do that at least once a week haha
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    @edwardwillls6 i would, but i hawe shut it down... There is some construction on our house going on and electricity is down every 5 min... Don't want to risk anything...
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    @redstonetehnik fair enough :(. my "desktop" is really a laptop bolted to the underside of the desk, battery still lasts a couple of hours. It goes down for maintenance less than our server :')
  • 1
    Lol However I have complete PC and w/o AC it lasts less than a secondXD
  • 3
    I work from home 99% of the time with occasional trips to the office. I have a laptop my code resides on and mapped it's drive as a drive on my desktop. at home I code from desktop and anything I do is already on the laptop. then if I take the laptop to the office it's already good to go :)
  • 1
    Just do a remote desktop then
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    @blackpeark i explained it already, PC was off
  • 1
    A day with regret
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