Apple vs. Microsoft: who sucks more?

At first glance, it's obvious that Apple sucks more. Their overpriced products are so bad that they rely heavily on vendor lock-in and cult-like brainwashing.

Then again, Apple's vendor lock-in also acts as buyer lock-out so that it's easy to avoid Apple. Basically, Apple sucking more also means they suck less. Think different indeed.

Microsoft on the other hand sucks more because their crap is so ubiquitous that it's difficult to avoid Microsoft.

That looks like a draw - but here's the tie breaker: Microsoft tries to ape Apple, BUT! Microsoft even sucks at copying Apple's suck.

So here's the final verdict: Microsoft sucks more.

  • 10
    The tie breaker is that I can run Windows on any custom built, upgradable machine fkrt barely any cost, while Apple has a huge entry fee to begin with
  • 8
    @Hazarth Yeah, but that leads also to the problem that Windows is actually being run on any custom or OEM build, which is a major reason why Microsoft sucks.
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    I dunno my distrust of the vendors is that they're burying keys into hardware. allowing what may not have once been a tyrannical goverment that has been infested with perverts, or at least seems to show that face to me for some reason and not in the fun way of sucking my dick like they used to paint the opposite picture of what they are, to track people trying to use the internet or get to help etc.
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    speaking of which. why is aunt samantha not sucking my dick more ? am I so depreciated in value that my superior mind being matched by my above average penis isn't enough for her anymore ? so my hair is getting gray, fuck you :P lol
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    i can now see why they patterned whores after me. heh. because i am horny. *humps fast-nop*, they just had to *humps fast-nop* change my behavior around *humps fast-nop* around to make it more *face locks in a long half anguished look of elation* ridiculous and less filled with occasional gems of wisdom and signs of intelligence. *kisses fast-nop's forehead and pats him dry with a towel* understand ?
  • 5
    I don't understand your lock in lock out point.

    Someone explain please.
  • 3
    @Floydimus Same. Probably something US-specific.
  • 7
    @Cyanide don't think this is US specific as OP is a German.

    What I understand is once you get in, it's difficult to get out and while you are out, the entry barrier is so high that it's difficult to get in.
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    I was really proud of the aunt Samantha jab the first time then tori bitched

    I don’t know what part of I’m not interested in living in a circle I’m missing in explanation again
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    Apple is so far away from me, that i honestly don't care. And Microsoft's Windows works fine for what i use it for: Running games.

    Also, Microsoft changed a lot in the past few decades. They completely lost all their drive and seem to only care about being yet another cloud service provider now.
    Back then, you could actually hate them for their evil market manipulation behavior. But since Bill has retired, they got less evil and all the other companies are now just as evil as Microsoft.

    Can't hate Microsoft without hating Apple, Steam, Facebook, Google, every big game publisher, all that shitty mobile game devs trying to get kids into wasting their pocket money on microstransactions...
    They are just all evil. Slight differences in evilness do not really matter.

    Evil is the norm now.
  • 3
    @Oktokolo Microsoft didn't change. They invaded the ISO committee to stamp "standard" on their Word XML format, they added spyware to their OS, they become ever more obnoxious with forcing users to Microsoft accounts, they abuse non-Enterprise users as unpaid beta testers... the list goes on and on.

    With the "cloud", that's basically where MS wants to go: locking people in at that level.

    They're a one trick pony, and their only trick is abusing the desktop monopoly that they obtained with criminal market manipulation back then (starting in the DOS era). Once you have the fruit of the crime AND are left with it, it's easy to feign the nice one.
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    Yes, they are still evil. But they really don't stand out anymore. The entire IT corporate world is evil now.

    Evil is the norm now.
  • 1
    @Oktokolo Yeah sure, but I was up to a suck competition between Apple and Microsoft. :)
  • 2
    Suckiness-wise they are both interchangable.
    In the past, Microsoft sucked way harder.

    But now, everyone is evil.
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    What I care about in an OS: customization, control, privacy, security.

    Microsoft offers better customization (adjusting look/feel), and used to offer pretty great control/ownership over your system, at least in the XP era. Windows XP was ugly, uncomfortable and weird, but you were the boss over the system. From Windows 8 onwards, Microsoft has started to take away control from the end user (unremovable applications, forced updates, random annoying new features, settings which are difficult to change, etc).

    Apple offers neither much customization nor control, although they tend to have a slightly better intuition about great UX. Problem is that sometimes, their intuition is blatantly wrong.

    Apple largely wins regarding privacy and security though. OSX is a less risky system not just because of market share, but also because they have a better foundation.

    Of course, all of these points are moot, because in the second round a certain penguin beats both of them to death.
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    My sucklist btw is more of a:






    I hate Apple quite intensely. It's just that I hate the other 4 big tech companies even more.
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    They are both shit in different ways. Can't really pick a clear winner.
  • 1
    All vendors are shit. I think of it in terms of a development environment: I can get more done using an Apple machine that I can with a Windows machine for my main area of expertise which is Web Development. If I need to work on an IIS centric environment, then I just do it.

    My way of gauging things is: money, what is going to make me the most money. And in terms of being a professional web developer, Apple hits the spot quite nicely. This is not to say that I love their products, I do love my iphone, but their computers are sorta-kinda-ok at best, windows machines come with more power, drivers etc, since it is the main computing platform for businesses, thinking otherwise is just funny at this point.

    Apple gives me a decent enough unix-bsd like experience for which most Linux tools would work seamlessly. On a fucking $2500+ laptop, for this I have apple machines. But if it were up t me? everything would be Linux. My personal machines all run Linux
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    so basically, I am not disagreeing with you, I am with you on every point, these companies suck, monopolies as a whole suck, and it is pretty shitty that an American monopoly has spewed its bullshit to other regions of the world. But what do we have? I had a talk with the other manager of my department in terms of the licenses required for laptops that we provide to our users, and mentioned that Ubuntu is a safe and good, easy to use alternative for everything they could think of. the discussion started because all he knows from Linux is Red Hat as a server. I hold that a user with an ubuntu laptop could do fucking everything they are doing with windows in an easy way without ever touching the terminal. But his point, that I as an engineer can figure out the things that I do use and don't holds, a regular user might not. I don't know what I am saying at this point. Ignore me.
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    @AleCx04 The problem with Apple is that they don't play nicely with the outside world (i.e. you have to go all-in on everything), and that shit is ridiculously overpriced. Like flash storage soldered and then at three times the market rate. Actually four times if you don't need NVMe, like most users.

    As for your manager - setting up a Linux machine isn't always for end users, but they expect a machine to already come with the OS ready to go also with macOS and Windows anyway.

    Once it is up and running however, Linux can be for end users unless they are locked into Windows on the application side. I have delivered several machines with Linux Mint Cinnamon, which I consider as the better Ubuntu.

    Start menu, desktop icons, and the graphical Software Manager on a higher level than the packet manager pretty much like an app store. Updates often configured to "fully automatic".
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    Apple turned me into an aggressive asshole with its software failing and ruining my work, its updates removing apps and replacing them without my knowledge or consent. And the HD in my something workbook fucking dying after five years.
    I swore by Apple. But it was like a marriage that was great at the beginning and disintegrated so badly that I wanted to punch somebody.
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    @Floydimus @Cyanide I was going to explain but wiki does a better job. If wiki is tl;dr, if Apple buys from vendor A and vendor A agreed only to sell to Apple, Apple is locked in to vendor A and others are locked out buying from vendor A, at least for the product the agreement covers. Not specifically an Apple problem, but a common one for them.

  • 0
    @aavalos thank you for not using a YouTube link.
  • 3
    Almost all greedy company sucks...
    Even the anti evil Google sucks.

    Long live Linux
    -- From a windows user
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    On a product level, probably yeah. However, I can't help but get really mad at apple because of the shit they do in china. They basically suck the CCPs dick in return for advantages on the Chinese market.
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    @Tonnoman0909 They follow local laws, sure.

    Just like they follow this Soviet style shit in the US with secret courts and national security letters that companies must not even admit to have received.
  • 0
    Oh hey look, is Apple plural? Is Microsoft plural? @Fast-Nop you're full of shit.
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    @atheist There are a lot of people in these corporations so that this is logical plural, you fucking moron.
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    @Fast-Nop no, a corporation is, linguistically, a singular entity. There can be multiple corporations. There can be Microsoft or apple. Microsoft and Apple are corporations. Microsoft is a corporation. They have lots of employees. Schooled.
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    @atheist Understand the difference between syntax and semantics. Moron. This is totally not comparable to an individual snowflake person demanding plural-they.
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    @Fast-Nop sigh. Petty name calling? Is your little snowflake ego too fragile to be able to admit maybe you were wrong?
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    @atheist You started here with "you're full of shit" and complain about name calling. Moron.
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    @Fast-Nop you'd already started the name calling.
  • 1
    I want to start a company to spite apple.

    Call it pomegranate.

    It's a Spite-LLC.

    Establish in China.

    Blatantly rip off apples design, hardware namely.

    OS design ripped straight from Microsoft.

    And it runs on a fork of android.

    Maximize being derivative. Rip off ALL the competition.

    Our business model would be

    "use us if you are unhappy with apple, microsoft, or google. We Spite them Because We Care.

    Think Different, Don't Be Evil. Embrace. Extend. Extinguish."
  • 1
    @Wisecrack "Maximize being derivative. Rip off ALL the competition." - as if Chinese companies wouldn't be doing exactly that already. China copies everything, including China itself.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop "derivative china is best china!"

    Call it XiTopia.

    Like zootopia, but with a lot less fursuits, and a lot more goosestepping and overly nationalistic tv commercials.
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