
I'm so sad today. I completely lost my confidences in what I do. I recently I created an app , spent 72 hours doing that , made the app as simple as possible, The intention is clear , to help those who are in need during this pandemic.

Recently my country have the campaign (initiate by the people) raising white flags for help (food, financial help). Since our government begin to arrest those who raise their flag for help and summoned them for MYR 3000 .

So I thought making a platform where people can raise their flag digitally might be easy, but I go rejected .

Well in Malaysia, No one give a fuck about you unless you are a celebrity . Sometimes I wish I am , therefore I do changes. But unfortunately I am just a 25 year old self taught software engineer but not someone with PHD or fame .

Fuck me.

  • 19
    I used to believe that I could "change the world with software".

    I'm much older and much wiser and now I realize I'm 25 years too late.

    It's not about what you can do to help the world anymore.

    What can you do to help your community out. I'm talking 50-150 people.

    If you can help those people, you can make a bigger impact than you can ever imagine.
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    @molaram what's wrong with Yellow?
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    @molaram we have pink in Devrant?
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    @johnmelodyme yes
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    Most people in the world are shit. This has got nothing to do with you or being a Malaysian.

    And these are the same retards who'll post on mental wellness awareness and post on social media 'if you want to talk then DM me' but when you do they ignore.

    They only post when shit happens to celebs but not when their friend is going through it.

    So chin up and look at this as a learning experience and move on bro.

    You are smarter than the average and more importantly a good guy and we need more like you.
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    @Floydimus thanks man , but seriously tho this is hard.
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    @johnmelodyme welcome to adulthood. Now you'd appreciate this platform more 😂
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