
Me in conversation with the CTO a couple of weeks before starting the job:
I don't want to be mainly doing ui stuff
Him: that's cool
Me now: HTML

So, my lunchtime is spent applying for jobs...

  • 1
    one of my friend is suffering the same
  • 1
    hmmm... what does this remind me of...?

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    @Midnight-shcode my basic conclusion is I should get a data science job, I spent 4 years doing that under the guise of a "software engineer with maths background" anyway, and that's what I enjoyed most.
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    Hired on to do UI stuff.

    Now writing industrial controls server.
  • 1
    Let me guess.. Smaller company, doesn't want to "waste money" on front-end people so the new guy gets dumped all the front end stuff?
  • 1
    @TheBeardedOne so that's the kicker, they HAVE A DEDICATED UI PERSON!!!

    But it also looks like my manager was the last person to work on what I'm doing, so... 🤷‍♂️
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    @Demolishun 😂😂 Nice
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    Frontend devs might like to have your kind of problem! A friend advised me not to introduce myself as "full stack" but rather frontend dev, otherwise all I would be doing will be backend development (or rather middleware business logic, which, in the eyes of backenders, counts a "front-end" anyway)
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