
“Vaccination saves lives. Not caring about yourself and your loved ones is madness.”

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    Vaksinazia spasajet jizni. Ne berech sebya i bliskih - eto bezumije
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    The "h" in "blizkih" is hard though, almost kinda like "kh".
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    A conspiracy where the USA, Russia and China work together... Yeah, sure.
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    @Oktokolo what can’t see the reason why economic rivals might benefit from creating a mass fraud that benefits the only class they ever care about when something like war is costly and threatens said class after a certain point as patriotism recedes after we have a president that’s buddy buddy with Putin and told Americans everything they wanted to hear ? Nooooo I would have never came to an unlikely conclusion like that before.

    The war stayed cold because we would have annihilated each and fighting through puppet states was less costly in terms of
    Money and human life and social unrest and kept the commoner pointing fingers at the wrong people and causes but nope that level of statecraft has never been seen except in the Roman Empire or Italians during the Renaissance etc
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    Finally got my vaccination notice today. Pretty sick of this shit already.
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    @YouAllSuck friendly reminder to not be extreme in your views.

    Yes there is a lot of misinformation about it and many powerful people and cooperations are benefitting from the fear, rage, intimidation and exaggeration of the situation.

    And yes, its real, many people have died from it. Due to its nature it should be addressed with the seriouseness it deserves.

    The truth lies somewhere between those two facts. Be compassionate to your fellow human cyborgs
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    u mean the vaccine that is 95% ineffective, that's being deployed after the herd immunity was already achieved and we're over the hump, to a disease that has 99.9% survival rate and in most cases behaves like a flu?

    yeah, sure, not wanting to put some rushed, ineffective, bloodclotting shit into my body for maybe 5% chance of preventing flu is madness, yeah, sure.

    fuck off, people. do what you want with your bodies but shut up with the grandstanding commanding everyonr else what to do with/to their bodies.

    if you're vaccinated and if the vaccine works, what's your problem anyways with some people not being? you shouldn't need to care... if it works.

    oh, sorry, yeah, we already know it really doesn't.
    in which case, why force people to do it?
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    @Midnight-shcode it doesn't work that way. What others do affects us. If 60% of the population gets vaccinated than the vaccinated people most likely only do it for a temporary effect. This is not because they aren't protected at the time, it's because too large a group gets infected and with every infection there is a chance of a mutation of a virus. This will make it very likely that variants appear that the vaccine has no effect on and therefore makes people get severe illness and/or die even when vaxed. We need to approach it like polio. If everyone who could get the vaccine gets it we would likely be rid of it by now.
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    @hjk101 so i assume you take a flu vaccine twice every year to help prevent the hundreds of thousands of flu deaths every year, yes?
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    @hjk101 we need to approach it like flu because that's what it is.
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    @Midnight-shcode it really isn't, my grandma did not pass are because of the flu last year. When 10 times as many people die from it and so much permanent damage is left in survivors (colleagues wife is tired/out of breath real quick cause of lung damage) you can't call it the same as the flu.

    You have a right to believe what you want. choice to not get vaxed but please don't pretend to be all knowing and having all the answers while spreading misinformation and attacking people who are actually fighting a pandemic and listening to as sound medical advice as there can be at the moment.

    Basically don't be an ass about this thing and try to respect people who are actually dealing with loss. We are plentiful.
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    @hjk101 bro, don’t waste your time. He doesn’t know shit about emergence
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    The advantage of having scientists in specific fields is being able to make decisions without understanding the exact semantics. Think of how many times your boss or some non-tech coworker of yours came up with "great ideas" which absolutely made sense to them, explaining to you how things work. In the meantime you sat there and thought, "I cannot even explain how stupid their idea is, because they lack the qualification to understand those reasons".

    It's the same for every expert in any field. I don't see how anyone can judge the severity of this disease without proper qualification. An article on "thisisthetruth.org" won't cut it. There are always conflicting studies in all directions in any field - this is why scientific consensus matters. This is true for global warming, GMOs, COVID and pretty much any topic.

    But it's natural for everyone to think they are the only person with their brain turned on, while everyone else are "sheeple" and not thinking for themselves etc.
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    @Maer this is not a comment — this is an essay. Pure gold.
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    @Maer deferring blindly to remote specialists in a time period where people position themselves often just to stage elaborate hoaxes for shits and giggles and to cause as much trouble as possible makes me want a more informed explanation and a bit more proof

    as of now i see none.
    not a single sick person
    anywhere, just all the same people who were always wandering around.
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    its amazing what people believe and don't believe
    the sun is more intense
    the summers hotter
    everything is dirtier practically everywhere
    but the idea of people being lazy dirty littering polluting scumbags doesn't sink in
    but you create some fantasy about some killer bug that doesn't claim a single victim visibly and everyone either believes it or pretends to,
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    @YouAllSuck Two people I knew indeed died from COVID. Not my closest friends, granted, relatives of my best friend though. Yeah, I knew them.

    There is little point to anecdotal experiences of individuals however. Not to mine and not to anyone's. This is why there is statistics, this is why data is being gathered.

    That being said, there is also little point to having such debates on the internet. No one will be changing anyone's mind here. So yeah, let's all head off feeling vastly superior to the opposing side.
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    @Maer I don’t feel like that at all
    I lament that so much time has been wasted with a slight story change
    I lament that I see women at times who were beautiful but also evil
    Now doing the same things and still evil not having learned a single fucking thing or likely changed much except for the sense of misery which wouldn’t have to be the case if they were not in fact evil and whoever is running all this hadn’t devised this disgusting system
    I see ruined humans everywhere and in some ways I’m in the same state watching my life drift away while people repeatedly do the same stupid shit over and over with only a slightly altered timeline of events in some cases subtracting the only things that made it bearable

    No I don’t feel superior for my grasping of the COVID sham

    I feel annoyed and exasperated that even at the expense of their own lives there are morons out there which feel elevated over me being annoyed and exxasperated
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    While they keep on making the wheels turn and let their lives be ground away for this minor bit of table scrap or this minor gain which keeps them in the same place and THEY HAVE the ability to remain conscious of this throughout
    Also get sick of not having more options to make my time more personally productive to my goals without doing something illegal to snap the bonds on me

    I don’t want to live like you people
    There is no higher goal
    There is no consecration
    There is only desecration in your lives and I want no part of that
    I’d rather be bored and never talk to another human being again then relive the same shut over and over but I lie because my human impulses pull me in the direction of interacting with people out of sheer loneliness even if I despise them and don’t really connect because I rightly view them as filthy gutter trash sometimes in suits sometimes in rags sometimes beautiful and charming sometimes guttural and depraived
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    If it’s all fake there is no qualitative difference
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    And meanwhile there is some ridiculous system supposedly at work where people act like robots in response to things that make no sense whatsoever and engage in some esoteric set of decisions of how to be shits but it’s all a big trap for all involved
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    No thanks
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    Some people like being mad...
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    There should just be a law, when a country has enough vaccines for the entire population... Before being admitted to a hospital for covid symptoms, any person not vaccinated gets rejected.

    Unvaccinated == new Darwin award

    Let evolution work it's magic... Survival of the fittest
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