only on linux can an OS upgrade take you to a -300mb net install size

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    So you rant that Linux is actually good? You are weird.
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    @darkwind only if you don't configure the damn updater.
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    @iiii people keep saying that but it's not true. Even though it's a bs use case you can just not update any Linux installation for two years (though major version update skipping is valid). Windows you can postpone the feature upgrades but at a certain point it will just install it. Only the LTSC version doesn't do this.
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    @hjk101 not true. Feature updates can be blocked entirely with group policies even with non long term service version.
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    @hjk101 nope. If you have an wsus you can postpone them indefinitly
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    @EpicofGilgamesh I mean ur using Linux… NERDDDD
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    @iiii You can't configure the damn updater except in the enterprise version, and you can't buy the enterprise version yourself.
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    @Fast-Nop I think pro and enterprise allow such configurations. But yeah, home (beggar) editions don't allow that. But why a developer would work with that version at all? It's for dumb fucks who know nothing about computers.
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    @Fast-Nop also, "education" edition is equal to enterprise. It just has a different name.
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    @iiii Pro doesn't (only postpone - unless Windows "forgets" the setting), and you can't buy the edu version either unless you're a student.
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    @Fast-Nop hm, can't really verify as I use enterprise version 🤔
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    >implying you need to shell out big money to be a real developer

    so essentially, don't use windows at all because it's a scam? good, I agree.
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    whosm started all this windows shit, cut it out can we all go back to the linux discussion
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    @molaram lol, the reality of software storage space

    You can put an entire 3D shooter with proc gen in 28KB or an entire OS in 20MB, but you need some basic extra functionality aaaaaand there goes my microSD
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    @molaram unexpected romanian swearing always take me by surprise lol
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    @molaram What can we say? It's quite a colorful language, lol

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