
Yesterday I told an intern that was supposed to be shadowing me that he'll need to download visual studios with apache Cordova plugin for multi platform app design. I gave this assignment to him first thing in the morning (around 9:30 am) and told him to head home for the day thinking I was giving the kid a break to download and make sure the build was proper and to play around with it maybe. I check my inbox this morning to find that, alongside numerous expletives, this intern has quit as of 3:40 AM last night. I... I didn't see that one coming.

  • 4
    The assignment was homework?? I totally disagree with that!! Work must stop at office.

    But most likely he just wasn't into that.
  • 0
    @lostinmyworld he got the assignment at 9:30 AM and was not removed from the office. He had an entire day to download it.
  • 0
    So..he quitted the next day?

    Maybe he's not into that. Personally I am the exact opposite. I don't quit. But that has made numerous troubles for me. Being not informed or educated for projects I would keep up but at a slower pace (I need to do good and reliable job). So...at least he was forwarded and honest. Right?
  • 1
    There are lots of things that are so easy once you know how that it's easy to forget what it was like before knowing how. Remember that the permutations of each of these forks in the road are multiplicative not additive. 5 sets of crossroads could make 1000 possible wrong destinations.
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