
Ever think of the Chinese? why they aren't in such communities like ours? I never talked with one of them but I think they are far developed especially the developers
They have their own YT, google, WA, and everything else we use in our daily life. Those culprits took most of our population

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    Have you ever worked with a Chinese team?
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    @Floydimus absolutely not
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    @Eklavya then I'd encourage you to do so before forming this opinion.

    Start-ups and companies in the US have equal, if not more, Chinese as Indians and any other race.

    Also, you need to hit the right communities to find them. dR is admittedly very niche where (active) users are primarily from EU.

    Also, I have worked with Chinese teams in past. Communication with them is a nightmare because they are not taught English as much as Indians or any other non-English speaking countries are taught. Their way of functioning is significantly different then others.

    This doesn't necessarily mean they are good or bad at something. What it essentially means is that we all are no different than they are and yet unique in our own way.
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    Chinese are incredibly efficient and hardworking people, they and Japanese are the only Asians which deserve any respect in industry.
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    I have worked with them closely. Language and their own ecosystem for everything is the reason, they are not crossing boundaries. English is the common tongue for most part of the world, while it is not promoted in the region.
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    @theabbie again, have you worked with South Koreans?

    Chinese are just exploited. Japanese are disciplined so I agree. They are super cool.
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    They have their own services because their government wants to control everything.
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    @theabbie so we shouldn't respect you?
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    @electrineer no, ideally that should depend on more factors, but it's good idea to not respect so easily.
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    We can't really interact with the chinese communities because their gouvernment won't let us. Well if they would the chinese would have a different gouvernment.
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    Things just work differently in China. The culture is different as well, they have their 996 which doesn't leave you with a lot of spare time to rant in. Generally there's an acceptance to the state of things. So these things together is probably part of why we don't see many Chinese users here
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    @theabbie > the only Asians which deserve respect

    Damn, how blatantly racist can you be.

    Sure, stereotypes are based on statistical truths.

    But you know what sucks? Being in that (often quite large) group where the stereotype doesn't apply to you.

    The statistic doesn't need to be a majority for it to become a stereotype.

    For example: For every crime committed by a Dutch person, there's 3.6 crimes committed by a migrant in NL. So every time you turn on the news and see some robbery... Yeah, "some middle eastern guy again".

    But that framing it doesn't communicate the flip side: Your middle eastern neighbor is very unlikely to be guilty -- because crime rates are low.

    Same for Asian developers, it's the "slightly higher average levels of trash" which determine impressions.

    I'm working with a mobile developer from India, an QA from Sri Lanka, a PM from Thailand, and two DevOps from China & Singapore.

    They're all arguably better at their jobs than I am at mine.
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    I think Chinese just don't care that much about the outside.

    Also, their English is usually bad, they don't like to communicate in English (both points cause each other), and why would they even want to talk a weird long nose language when they can speak with more than a billion people in Chinese?!

    Then there's the "Great Firewall" which would probably block any kind of community that would get traction, at least if the servers are not under Chinese control.
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    This is a hard one.

    Because it's hard not to do a nosedive in stereotypical racism... Which already happened pretty much in this rant.

    Except for the stereotypes, I think the same holds true for any discussion regarding

    Andere Länder - andere Sitten.

    Other countries, other manners...

    Someone who grew up in a traditional household will have a hard time in the more liberal countries... Or racist countries (whatever country there is, there will always be one part where racism is so common that the unexpected thing is for someone to not be racist....)

    Humanity at its best.

    And the sad morale of the story is that those who had a liberal upcoming get easily stereotyped and everyone wonders why they're constantly pissed • introverted • egocentric • ... . Guess what, after being reduced to a box of stereotypes it's hard to be a friendly, nice person :)

    All in all, I make jokes about indians with their bad English, the Chinese who need an official decree to have fun, the Japanese who are so respectful that even a Canadian gets annoyed by it (double pun!), the American who is so dumb he thinks Paris is an Hilton Hotel, the Germans who just built a cellar to have a place to hide for laughing.... I could go on.

    But I think it's obvious - stereotypes, some puns are okay, but never forget we are talking about humans like ourselves here, please.
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    I mean how do you know Chinese people are not on devrant? 这是发帖的正确姿势吗?
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    I assume language is the biggest barrier. I see it happen often with all types of communities, not just Chinese.
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    Most countries have better programmers than mine, at least in terms of reputation so I tend not to think about it.
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