
Came into this company as a web dev. Now I have to develop a native iOS app in swift.


  • 6
    *get to

    You get to develop a native swift app
  • 1
    I am experiencing the exact opposite. And it sucks, I am telling you.
  • 4
    I'm always happy to get paid to learn new technology.
  • 3
    I was hired to work on the native ios app, end up learning Java and the android environment 😁😁
  • 1
    I don't get it. Why do people assign devs to work on projects that they have zero interest in or haven't even used once?
  • 2
    @SirWindfield because someone told management, "Code is code. The only difference is syntax and that takes, like no time at all to learn." What sucks for op is that, at least here, base pay between IOS dev and web dev is almost a $20k a year difference.
  • 1
    @SirWindfield Because I am the only real dev in this house :)
  • 1
    @ThatDevRC yup, and yup.
  • 1
    @ThatDevRC let me tell you, you have no idea. My year salary is not even close to that difference.

    And I agree. "Code is code". What a logic!
  • -1
    So let me get this straight. Someone is going to pay you significant money to learn another highly marketable skill? Something that right now there are thousands of people paying even more significant money in bootcamp to learn? Having trouble bringing up the sympathy here.
  • 2
    @Adamu nop, you are not understanding it correctly
  • 2
    It's more like "you code. So you can code. So make that even if you don't know anything about. No, we won't teach or educate you. No, same money as before. Just do it because we asked"

    Now, practice is good sometimes but there's no motive, no personal interest, nothing to go on except, you know, the willingness to keep your job.

    So, any sympathy gain or I have to keep ranting?
  • 1
    @lostinmyworld You are correct. But: I do appreciate the opportunity to learn something new. It's the wrong context, and definately the wrong way if learning something new (jump in, don't learn basics) - but it adds to my.skillset :)
  • 1
    @Adamu No, it is like @lostinmyworld said. "You code, so do this. It can't be that hard. See: there are Classes and functions and properties... you know how to do that"
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