
I want to automate some tasks in my PC. But usually when I try to automate something, I have to show the bot exactly step by step, how to do it. Like click on something that looks like this then write something here and so on.

But I want to make a bot, that will learn from my usage replicate the behavior, even if any step gets missed in the middle.

So my question is: to achieve this, which programming language and framework/library should I use?

  • 2
    Can't you use commanf line utilities for this?
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    What type of automation do you mean?
    Can't you use something like steps recorder?
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    @alexbrooklyn Nope

    @iiii yeah, the current app that I'm using, that kind of works like a step recorder but also has some features like where to click using a portion of image. But I wanna go beyond
  • 2
    Which tasks do you want to automise?
    That can be relevant to the answer you’re looking for:)
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    @Prutser Anything that we do manually in a computer ( other than progressing ), I want to be able to automate all of it.
  • 1
    You can use python to automate your tasks 👍🙂
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    @salshamz any technic or library you would recommend?
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    You want a robot that does your job for you without actually making a robot that does your job for you

    You must be a manager!
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    * programming ( pardon the autocomplete )
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    There are some companies that have already raised their series A funding looking to market a program that does exactly that.
  • 1
    @Xoka hey bro I thinks you should use pyautogui because in my opinion this is the best to automate things
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    @salshamz looks promising. Gotta give it a try. Thanks
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