
... or is it actually a valid rant...

  • 3
    Sadly yes people think that if it works in their head then you can implement it.

    Even if with applicable features, be sure to assign to the one with knowledge to implement it or ask them for their actual time to implement don't just assume its easy for anyone...
  • 2
    @gitpush well this is more like dev said it's impossible and management said I don't care, do it anyway?
  • 2
    If it just means sharing with people you see on a map, it's possible, if they don't understand it, they can't complain.
  • 1
    alt="the story of every Sprint"
  • 2
    @theabbie I think it's more like gps as a transfer protocol like the internet.

    But maybe you could spin it like share with ppl nearby.
  • 0
    @donuts Why would it mean that? First, GPS is not a communication protocol, second, the average person doesn't even know what that word means. If it's in the news then it obviously means something the audience can understand.
  • 0
    @homo-lorens the ask to the developer implies it. Which is why the dev said impossible and doesn't make sense
  • 0
    @donuts Bold of you to assume the manager ever thinks about protocols, or any other implementation details and their limitations. I think he's using the exact same marketing lingo when talking to technicians as he does when talking to the press.
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