
So I just spent the last 2 days playing with Javascript and came up with this game, it's not much but I had a lot of fun doing it and thought I'd share it with you guys.

*Disclaimer* I have nothing against Trump, it was simply the first thing that came to my mind while high 😛

Edit: it's not really phone friendly, but I'll try and fix it tomorrow, here's how it looks on my laptop

  • 8
    1. Log the ip addresses
    2. Sell them to trump
    3. Profit
  • 5
    Smacking a childish bully who never learned to cope with comments that are not in line with his uhm.. 'vision'? YES PLEASE!
  • 2
    @jckimble you forgot 4
    4) Get stiffed by Dump as he doesn't like paying people who do work for Him :p
  • 0
    @ScribeOfGoD ehh play it like a businessman, give him a sample then charge his ass a premium per ip after
  • 1
    Political shitstorm incoming... 3..2..1...
  • 2
    Super neat, but you misspelt "though"..
  • 0
    Holy shit, you're right. Thanks!

    I knew about that one but it's really nothing like mine
  • 0
    Can you break the wall?
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