
Had my first ever final interview as a developer after passing the first ever coding assignment, now can't stop thinking if I should have answered the questions differently.

I was very honest to my answer when they asked "How do you test your application?" As I started building the app with 0 knowledge about software development and know nothing about software testing. So I just told them the truth that I did not do any proper test, I just used a checklist and manual test to test my app and the app that I created for the assignment was the first app that I write a proper test cases and implement an automated test. The same goes to other questions like automated deployment and OOP experience. I just told them the honest truth even though I know that they are not the best practice. Did I just f*cked up the interview??

Arghh can't stop thinking

  • 1
    @Ubbe thanks for the advice 😊
  • 5
    Chances are from the test they could sense you might not have written unit tests etc before, but they liked something and saw potential. Answering truthfully backed up this and showed you were honest about your experience. That's always the best policy.
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