Can someone please explain what a "Euler" in c# is. doing some researching for my project

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    It's a person, google him. I believe you mean euler ANGLES, right? Quaternions might be more useful to learn while in Unity (judging by "game" and "c#").
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    @KeyWeeUsr thanks. That makes sense actually. Will have a look. I'm making my own third person vehicle controller if you need reference. Aiming for a tank
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    @JesnsyHavoc youtube has a lot of tutorials for such stuff, some contain even free prefabs for inspiration :)
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    @KeyWeeUsr that's the plan. I'm currently doing the primary research so I'm trying to talk to as many experienced or professional c# unity coders as possible to help streamline the project. Will take some time :) thanks for the comments
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    Haven't developt any game yet, so just guessing. Probably you're looking for this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/...

    Source: Wikipedia
    The Euler angles are three angles introduced by Leonhard Euler to describe the orientation of a rigid body with respect to a fixed coordinate system. They can also represent the orientation of a mobile frame of reference in physics or the orientation of a general basis in 3-dimensional linear algebra.
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    @pascalwacker thanks. Yes have developed games in small teams and focused on 3d modeling and animation. This project is independent and I'm trying to get a full understanding of c# at the moment. As this is a code heavy project. Thanks for the link anyway.
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    @JesnsyHavoc If C# + Unity is a heavy coding, then I'm a toothfairy. Nah, this is rather about understanding geometry, collisions (it's not that easy to get) and animations of the 3d objects, therefore a lot of videos of Unity contain even the work with the gui itself. C# is mostly just a glue for moving objects and manipulating the interface, otherwise they'd be comfortable directly with C++ for the Unity user language. They use(d) even JS, so that's even further from heavy coding (in that topic) :P
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    @KeyWeeUsr Yup. UE4 C++ is the real heavy shit :P
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