Languages as women in your life

1) Python's the Girl Friend
2) Java is the Wife/Long term Partner
3) JS is just on Acid. I don't fuck with her..

C++ is for Wifey for the ones with OCDs

P.S : I know how OCDs get. My heart goes out to these people. This is just some frivolous fun

  • 6
    Java is a gold digger
  • 3
    Basic is mom. She tells you can do anything. Amazed by "Hello World" program. Starter place that is safe.
  • 7
    Python is a Snake, just like my ex. 😅
  • 8
    C looks unimpressive, but you can do all kinds of dirty shit with her, and she's totally fine with a bare metal festival. Just don't try to bring her in a suit 'n' tie environment.

    Also, she won't tolerate your stupid tagging.
  • 8
    @Demolishun see? No one is stepping up to defend JS.

    Also PHP is the inflatable doll. No one admits having fun with her but it is always ready when you can't find anything else.
  • 2
    @rutee07 I am a woman, So I have one woman in my life
  • 4
    @Fast-Nop I'll take two. A fun one is better than a fancy one.
  • 3
    @galileopy JS is my passionate love : Yes, she's more messy, not easy to deal with, but she's up to anything, even if it's not her strong point. She'll try anyways, and support you in any project you take on. Even if everyone is telling me I can do better, she's the one I'm having the more fun with.
    True love, I tell you.
  • 2
    Languages as men in your life.

    1) PHP is the tatted up rice runner that will skip out on you when you get knocked up
    2) Ruby is the fat dad that will never let you down
    3) cobol is the abusive alcoholic that begs you to stay and asks why you make him beat you
  • 5
    Typescript is the crazy ex girlfriend you did drugs with in college and recently got out of rehab and is an okay person now.
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    @wackOverflow But she is obsessed with finding a compatible type.
  • 1
    @react-guy @-red

    Look at React guy reacting to my message
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    @sariel I smell therefore I spell abusive male role models here.. :P
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    CSS are all of them. Sometimes you fully understand, sometimes you don’t have any idea at all.
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    @PonySlaystation python is your ex who wanted compliments, shoes and dinner, but only one at a time.
  • 0
    Golang is an anime waifu.
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