Help me think. Apparently, I have generated my little tile world. So it's basically the world map assembled from little tiles, which have their own color (pic1).
When I click on one of the plots, I want to open a 5x5 isometric tileset that represents the selected plot. (pic 2). I would like to define the amount of the mountains/water/sand/farmland by the initial RGB value of the plot. Every plot has its own id, location, position, and RGB. (pic 3). Is this possible at all or shall I look for some different approach?

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    Ah hey, you're making into the breach!
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    @atheist Nah, :D I don't have a name yet, but I have the currency design already ("universae pecuniae"). It will be medieval for sure. Data will be saved on blockchain and a db as well. And I am looking for people who would join.
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    @blindXfish So uhhh.... You're using centralised and decentralised tech together? Me thinks you only need one.
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    @atheist the game will run from the database, but in the back the stuff will be updated to blockchain which serves as proof of ownership / something like nft. If a territory is conquered by someone else the owner pays % tax on his income from the resources but it's still his land. I didn't completed the gdd yet, so I can implement ideas from others who join the project. I am still in planning process and currently choosing between artists as well.
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    Don't you want the sea to be on the right side ? If so, you need the foreign tiles
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    You could perhaps use the adjacent tile colors to figure out what landscape borders the tile, then use some noise function for randomness?
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    @ScriptCoded I might described it a bit wrong. What I would like to achieve it to determine the 25 tile types only by the color of the one small tile from the world map. Each small tile represents the 25 tiles (5x5) on the zoomed image. For example some of the tiles will have only mountains some only forrest etc, some are mixed. You meant to check the neighbors instead of using the color of the tile itself? Can I somehow determine the types from the rgb value?
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    I don’t have answers but I want to say that I find the concept/idea interesting.
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    @blindXfish Lets assume that you have a method of taking a color and converting it to an index in an array. That array holds all small tile types. In that case you could use adjacent large tiles to influence the small tiles along the corresponding edge of the center tile.

    Aa for converting the color to an index, I found this on StackOverflow by searching for "rgb to single unique value": https://stackoverflow.com/a/...

    Basically make each channel (r, g and b) correspond to a set of 8 bits in your integer. That way each color will get a unique number. You could then remap that value to the length of your array, and finally round the value to get an integer.
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    Seems like you need to define your extremes and then find the relative differences and apply a hue rotation to get them farther away from each other. In other words, you're not going to have a tile that's all r and no gb, but you'll have lots of tiles that some combo of g and b or g and r. You might have tiles where you want lots of farm but few forest or vice versa, but the rgb for those will be very close.
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    So you're going to compete with Earth2? The project that is already slowly falling apart because it was a huge scam to begin with?

    good luck I guess
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    @Hazarth I didn't knew about it till now. But it doesn't seem to be a competition for two reasons, I am not selling a Google map pictures of places, and I don't want to get rich with it. I want to have an enjoyable management/trading strategy with enough profit to keep itself alive. But I see your point, the concept is similar but earth2 doesn't seem much fun, its just buy sell Google photos...
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    @blindXfish for now, but they plan to add a whole resource management game on top of it, they also plan a cryptocurrency. Long story short, these days when I hear "tiles" and "blockchain" and "nft" I get an immediate reaction of disgust. Eitherway good luck, hopefully it'll be better
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