
Just in curiosity. How many devs here are use *only* laptop but no full set computer at home? Is it sufficient for daily programming and probably a little gaming?

I used to be a full set computer lover. But now laptops provide sufficeint compuing power with affordable price. Plus I am expecting quite frequent relocation in next few years. So I am considering buy a laptop and hoping it can be useful for 5+ years.

Any commrnts?

  • 5
    Desktop Guy here I got two different desktops for the two locations I work. I got the feeling desktops last longer and give you more for the same money.

    I rarely work on my laptop. Only in places like trains.
  • 3
    I used to use a desktop as my well. But I use a laptop for devving and my desktop is for gaming
  • 2
    Laptop user for almost 6 years now. For me I like laptop a lot but for games i preferred to use desktop. And planning to buy a mac, if i have the budget.
  • 2
    I am using a laptop, but it's alienware 17 with a graphics amplifier.....So it's more of a desktop laptop hybrid
  • 1
    Check out Lenovo y700 for 875 $ in U.S.
  • 1
    Desktop with dual 25" monitors
  • 0
    @sam9669 Gaming laptops are good options indeed.
  • 1
    I too use laptop for coding (Mac at home) as well as work (lenovo thinkpad) and use gaming pc for gaming. I like to use laptop, especially Linux or Mac OS flavor for coding.
  • 2
    @yendenikhil welcome to devrant! Linux for coding, windows for gaming as always.
  • 0
    @kavenc thanks. And I agree. I didn't know till today that such thing as devRant exists!
  • 0
    Mercifully and thankfully a laptop thats underpowered.

    Otherwise I'd get nothing done at all.
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