
Oh dear god, not again!

Why, why can't we start the week on a different day?

  • 3
    We should stop with the whole time concept at all...

    If it's not monday, it's day 0 or bukkakiday or whatever gibberish name was invented instead.
  • 1
    And to think that I had an interview scheduled for today... Urghhhhhhhh
  • 2
    @fruitfcker a Martian day is actually pretty similar to an Earth day. It's about 39-40 minutes longer. So in an ideal reality, everyone gets an extra 40 minutes of sleep every night.

    Of course, considering the fact that wealthy, soulless corporate overlords will almost certainly be the first ones to settle Mars, it probably just means an extra 40 minutes in your workday.
  • 2
    Then you will start hating the new day. Monday is taking one for the team every week. Monday is awesome!
  • 1
    I am not ready for this Monday indeed
  • 0
    Monday the 13th!
  • 2
    On the bright side, Monday is the last day of my AWS on-call week.
  • 0
    That face thooooo
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