So there's this annoying colleague who loves to call me (My work phone) at 3 am, so I decided to adjust some settings to forward the calls to the CEO.

aha!! , in the meeting CEO point it out, and yes, finally company set a rule that no work calls after working hours....

  • 19
    My man 👌
  • 7
    @Cyanide WE made ittttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  • 11
    @Cyanide In the meeting, I was like "oh no? you got disturbed after work? now you know how I feel eh? "
  • 12
    ... Brave. I'd have forwarded to my manager at best.
  • 4
    Sometimes brutal solutions are the best.
  • 3
    Work phone is intrusion of privacy. Leave it at your drawer honestly.
  • 3
    @Nanos if it's broken, it's broken.

    Unless you sold your soul and signed a contract mandating 24/7 support.... It's not your job.

    Even if support is mandatory… there must be a chain of escalation.

    The team chief should be called first, only if he couldn't resolve it, it should be escalated higher up.

    If you support multiple teams and you cannot support because all people call you for support it's not working. XD
  • 2
    @aviophile all of us are working from home though
  • 1
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme I am working from home too, they can only reach me via Teams or email
  • 1
    @aviophile Now they only can reach me at slack.
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme I hear carrier pigeon sales are up…
  • 1
    @johnmelodyme great, enjoy your inaccessibility out of work time.
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