
How the hell did I manage to get a negative download speed ?! Screw hostel WiFi !!

  • 16
    More importantly, how much is 1,44,705 bytes.
  • 4
    I guess it's the Indian numbering system, no?
  • 13
    Some hackers are stealing your data!
  • 6
    It's so fast, the integer overflowed!
  • 8
    The WiFi must be so slow that your computer is trying to cheer the access point up by sending it some comforting messages

  • 6
    Plot twist: you were actually uploading the add-on to Mozilla.
  • 3
    The tubes are a bit clogged up, so it's flying through backwards.
  • 2
    You are time traveling ๐Ÿ•๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
    @w0ble yes It's Indian numbering system
  • 3
    Is it a bit ironic that this is happening with the "download them all" add-on. Maybe a sign man, trivial pursuit.
  • 1
    U r uploading๐Ÿ˜‚
  • 0
    Lool it's the bug (division of size downloaded / total size ) with the time taking to download , so with this logic works i think
  • 0
    Because you took the laptop and travelled away from the server faster than it was sending the data. Duh
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