
Pleace tell me that not only me thinking thats not right

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    I am really impressed by edge. But i need chromes Dev tools, i am too used to them
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    Although I'm a Firefox user, no this doesn't seem too valid 😄
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    No no no no, it's a trap...
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    Edge is really good it is not as ie, but chrome is still the best in my opinion
  • 4
    It is faster and lighter than chrome, but it also lacks a few of chrome's features. That's why it is faster/lighter, it does a little less lol
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    It might be as fast or even faster but the tools and sheer number of apps designed to help web dev means that even if it could play with my testicles and slip me a fiver every day, I still wouldn't use it.
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    You guys like motorcycles, right?

    Even a tiny engine can make a light bike fast.
    Certainly doesn't mean it's better.
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    Egde is leaner on my machine (no add-ons since I don't properly use it), so it is a bit quicker

    Mind you, they probably factored that into their 'benchmark'
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    I wouldn't care if edge is ten times faster, I'll never use it, I hate it, I hate it, I hate it with a furious passion. Fuck you Windows for trying to force it on me, fuck you, fuck you, I told you twenty fucking times that I want Firefox as my default fucking browser.
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    @Mitiko or... He's just not a native English speaker.
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    @iam13islucky and that's why in our English class he got 5 out of 6
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    Edge is the fastest way to get another web browser
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    @beriba thats right
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    It is faster but doesn't have any Devs tools comparable to chrome and doesn't have that many plugins
  • 2
    @SHA-256 FFS! It was dead, no necromancy >:(
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