
How about creating a new programming language named "C slang"

highlights from the language:
1. variable declaration :
by default, all declaration are var, but inorder
to declare a constant, write:
cunt a = 15; // means const a = 15;

2. input and output :
suck(b) // input stored in variable b
spit(b) // output b

3. function declaration:
f**k <function_name>(parameters);

4. null or None will be replaced by sh*t
for example: if(node root == sh*t)....

any other sh**y recommendation will be appreciable

  • 2
    dumb {module} ass {something} // will work like import
  • 1
    There was a javaslang but they had some issue with Java people so they renamed it to vavr.
  • 6
    pretty sure you can just
    typedef void fuck;
    typedef null shit;
  • 1
    @Ranchonyx f**k is for all data type kind of template

    and true for nullptr and NULL
  • 2
    // booleans
    happiness = b*llsh*t
    misery = indeed
  • 7
    Well with #define you could do it with C/C++ now. There is nothing stopping you.
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