What is this 'cutting edge dev tech' y'all talking about? Does it count if I somehow manage to add support for MS Edge?? 🤔
Hell.. I'm stuck with COM+ & activex, so if anyone who gets to use fancy pants new techs would be so kind to ping me and let me know how it even feels to code like it's 21st century, that'd be great..

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    You mean IE11 or old, non-chromium Edge?
    The only thing that helped me to partly avoid having to support such garbage was to discuss it with my boss... it worked on a few newer projects.
    But since I changed jobs, finally this burden has been lifted.
    Fuck this oldschool garbage.
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    I don't want to exist in a world where activeX is still in use.

    Did you know a major train *network* went down in china a while back?

    You know what they were using for the entire system?


    I'm not shitting you.

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