
I quite like devRant's "discussion" tab. It's a shame it's hidden away in the overflow menu (at least on android).

  • 3
    I had no idea it existed! But then again I’m always using the mobile app version of devrant
  • 1
    Let's get this post there.
  • 2
    It also reveals that me isn't working a lot and is a lonely loser wasting his time on internet cursing others :(
  • 2
  • 2
    @Floydimus busted 😁 Well, I suppose you have your reasons... If we simply had perfect lives, there wouldn't be devRant.
  • 1
    @molaram press the button with 3 bars on bottom right corner and you'll see the "Discussions" in top 2.
  • 1
    @molaram in android app on main or neighbour page, bottom right

    (See what you're doing to me, dfox)
  • 1
    @molaram search is available there too. I can see how this "detail" would startle anyone... Why there of all places? No idea. This search isn't even so advanced.
  • 0
    @vintprox ah, there's a whole other rant about search, you can't search by tags, so if you want to see everything tagged "devrant", well... You can't, as far as I can tell.
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