
Is it true you can only do 1 rant an hour?

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    @ScribeOfGoD I just tested. It is
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    @ScribeOfGoD ikr. I never knew. I wonder how long that has been a thing?
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    Yup, we've had a limit for a long time and recently changed it from two to one.
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    @dfox I see. So it was previously much less obvious.
    The reasons make a lot of sense, I was just wondering why I'd never seen it before
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    @dfox i really think you should keep this cool down period to prevent shitposts, i like that the current feed is tidy and every rant gets at least a few people looking at it, if not interacting.
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    @px06 we absolutely agree and it definitely isn't going anywhere :) The reasoning you used is pretty much exactly why we introduced it and lowered the limit. We want to try to maintain quality and make sure good rants get maximum exposure. I also don't really think, in 99% of cases, a person can create 2 quality rants in an hour.
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    @dfox if one needs to express anger for their job or the task they're doing twice in one hour, they should probably be doing something else instead. So i totally agree!
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