When they use a photo of fucking JavaScript (no hate) code for every fucking unrelated news.

  • 14
    Hollywood must think we're fucking wizards, judging by the code we've all seen.
    It's funny because every action movie also dictates that even GUIs only use a keyboard. There is no mouse. The mouse is for Sandra who works in accounting.
  • 2
    They get most images from online services.

    Those services use most readily available code. Right now that's either JavaScript or PHP.

    For example, I saw PHP code in an Android related article.
  • 15

    makes total sense
  • 0
  • 1
    I don't know what's worse the title or the image
  • 0
    They should just ask someone before posting to know if the photo is relevant or not.
  • 1
    @jiraTicket thats in polish rofl
  • 0
    Don't you know uglified JavaScript is hacker tier.
  • 0
    Why not use minified assembly if you want it to look arcane?
  • 1
    Yes, minified, inefficient, JavaScript and jQuery can protect you from viruses.
  • 2
    Why use anti-virus when you can use JavaScript
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