So I just enjoy the intellectual social and sexual company of adults and noone else, without horrific drama attached and strange fetish, is there noone else like this ?

  • 1
    Me too dude.

    Here is where I find my "dates" : Seeking.com.

    Any day I have some free money, just connect and wow, almost any girl will say YES to whatever phantasy you want.

    200 to 300$ / date.

    (Depends whwre you libe too I guess).
  • 0
    @NoToJavaScript :p i wasn't suggesting hookers lol but ok lol
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    @NoToJavaScript that is too expensive. Are you rich?
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    @ostream well you don’t pay a sex slave lol
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    @molaram truly I’m feeling very Muslim of late
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    @ostream yes but technically you’re pYinh the person delivering them then which is still different than whispering in strippers ear for example and having them hop on your penis for a handful of 20s lol
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    It’s a lie !
  • 1
    Only acceptable sex Slave in this century is one that wants to be a sex slave...
    And you pay less for that then a girlfriend for the most part....
    And yes, there's lots of different people, some only like normal sex in a relationship, some don't even care about sex...
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    @molaram whats the proper term, subordinate ? or is that not pc either ?
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    Occasionally their tinkering bears fruit.
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    @AvatarOfKaine made my day... Right when I left work :p

    I really, really don't care about the what we can say or can't these days...
    It's like fashion, next year there will be a completely different set of words to use...
    I'm still from the time they gay and others community was GLS... These days is a fling sentence.
    Although, one rule I maintain... Try to never enrage anyone and use the right terms with the people that can be offended... Like calling a trans for the proper pronoun, or ask what should I call /say... But if it's a straight PC fucker... I don't care.
    For example... In my country if you call a black man, black your offending him/her... We use nigger.
    So.... The right word in my country would make people cry in the states..
    It's just words... We give them meaning.
  • 1
    @GyroGearloose its more what is intended too.

    i'm not gonna call a he a she unless i feel nice or unless i'm convinced.

    a sad looking dude in a wig is a he
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    @AvatarOfKaine well... That's a travesti, completely different...
    I ment transsexual... One likes to wear woman /man clothes, the other grew already traumatized, doesn't need me to make it worst :p
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    @GyroGearloose so far as I can tell most of the people in this world that are left are fucking bastards. in general. if i speak to someone who seems sweet i'll tend to be sweet to them, but speaking of trauma you have no idea how many human monsters i've met. and fuck them. they just want to create more drama which is why they go overboard on shit like this in the first place.
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    @GyroGearloose god knows how i was so healthy and happy in my early to mid 20s the amount of stress and people not going out of their way to be sensitive to me i put up with, it was enough to make me search for better people but i instead if ound this shit heh
  • 2
    @AvatarOfKaine not hookers ! (it;s illigal duh!), they are sugar babies :) Whichjh is legal. Why ? Ask the rich
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    @iiii how is it expensive ? You can afford it once a month with junior dev salary here with no problems.
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    @ostream consent ? Nothing happens without consent.
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    @NoToJavaScript junior salary in western county. In somewhere else it is the junior salary, or at least a very hefty chunk of it
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    @NoToJavaScript and even if you can afford that, 200 for a date is ridiculously expensive overall
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    @iiii if the date results in sex, that's actually pretty economical :P
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    @AvatarOfKaine still no. Good hookers are cheaper than that.
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    @iiii i used to see ads for escorts indicating 5 to 8 HUNDRED back in my 20s. they;d actually be in this thing called a phonebook heh
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    you know chicago was one of the last places i was happy as a child and one of the only places i truly felt happy as an adult at points and they turned that into chomo ville too.
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