> make a merge request
> it gets reviewed one month later
> "I can't accept it there's too many conflicts"

Well wouldn't you say that, maybe next time try accepting the MR when I make it and see how that goes

  • 2
    Looks like you got trolled.
  • 4
    Generally it's your responsibility to keep the PR up to date by constantly merging main into it, and fixing conflicts as you go. That being said, if it wasn't accepted after a few days I'd so be escalating it withy manager to get everyone to sort their crap out and start reviewing stuff in a vaguely reasonable timeframe.
  • 0
    @AlmondSauce Which is what I did, but this MR is one month old or something
  • 0
    @IHateForALiving You escalated it with your manager and he told everyone "that's good, leave it for a month"?!
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