
We released a website for a client 10 days ago. The site was up and running and everything seemed fine.

But it turns out that the site used 15GB of bandwidth in 5 days ( WTF???).

So now I need to go and examine my code to make sure I didn't forget something and implement a new caching methods to try and reduce the amount of bandwidth being used.

But I still don't understand how a small "newspaper" website with a max upload size of 5MB could of used so much in so little time.

I also added a screenshot showing the number of visits from an addthis dashboard

  • 0
    I'm impressed.
  • 1
    My two cents, for 500 visits a day at a 10MB total resources served you get 5GB of traffic so in 3 day you use 15GB. Is that wrong?
  • 2
    15 GB in 5 days is not much. Really.
  • 1

    Maybe, but I have sites with lot more traffic and heavier images and they don't use that much traffic in such a little time frame.

    But I found I way to minimize it a bit, since I was stupid & lazy when first building it and at some places I left the full image to be displayed and just used the width and height attrs of <img> tag to resize it and that in turn loaded the full 3-5MB images, and so I went and rewrote those parts to generate thumbnails to appropriate sizes and display it like everywhere else on the site. Which decreased the size from 5MB per request to 3.2MB.

    Where all the images loaded on the page are using only 1.5MB and (not sure why) the scripts use 1.02 and some other.

    Here is a screenshoot: http://imgur.com/a/iwdTi

    I also have enabled apaches mode_pagespeed and deflate

    Huge help was: https://tools.pingdom.com and google page speed
  • 0
    Oh, I understand :)
    But you got a nice solution to it! And you should check "brotli" too :)
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