
WTF!! I want a JavaScript solution.. not jQuery!! When JavaScript mentioned in the question, why the hell people answer with jQuery solution and also same solution multiple times.

  • 5
    Because ppl think "not enough jquery"
  • 1
    Bugs me too! I want to understand how to solve a problem, I don't want a prepackaged solution that even the answerer doesn't properly understand.
  • 2
    I bet you there are at least 100.000 ppl in this world who think jquery is pure magic, having no idea how stuff works.😪
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    It's an insider.
  • 2
    Why not just look into jquery code to see how it is done
  • 10
    @jonjo Nietzsche once wrote "if you stare into the abyss, the abyss stares back at you"
    If you dare to dig into jQuery source code, you came out tainted and you'll be damned forever!!!
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    It must be because some people think : if we spam our magical jquery god everywhere someday people will think JavaScript is jquery and not the other way around.
  • 1
    Because there is no point in reinveting the wheel. Do you really understand how js console.log works ? Probably not.
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    Same reason people don't make web applications in assembly, simple is better than complex.
  • 2
    @biskus you mean this?
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    @ste09 you gave me another reason to learn Assembly 😂
  • 2
    That's like when you code in c# for unity get an answer and it's in JavaScript, needless to say I've learnt to interpret some of the logic from the answer into c# lol
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    @Sauruz yep it even makes sense
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    @codeblue I know, but I wanted an element by it's id and wanted to focus on it (simplified version), and thought jQuery was overkill
  • 0
    Same thing bro.
    <Just kidding, don't kill me>
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