so who would like to join me on this glorious repeat day and not be fucking crazy just once ?

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    that would surely help but i'd need a lot of them without people threatening children in the background or telling me that to make me want to black out at some point so i could continue life.
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    tori deserves to be psychologically mutilated for telling me the crap she told me.

    how am I supposed to prevail at all if talking to people makes me think they're getting things they shouldn't get ?

    especially when its people like her which used to encourage relying on people to escape horrific scenarios they created !

    now my sex drive remains frustrated and I can't improve my scenario because they lied and then reversed themselves

    she deserves however many years of horror she caused me, she really does.
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    happen to know she fucked a bunch of them over too. probably thinking she'd escape it. the concept of the bad guy always triumphs. heh
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