lost 100+ tabs by accidently closing all of them in chrome on android. can't restore. the history shows only the last few tabs as I didn't open many of those tabs for weeks. feels so sad. :-(
how can i restore all those tabs? HELP

  • 4
    Why did you have 100+ tabs open in Chrome on your phone? How is your phone not on fire?
  • 5
    Have you wondered to become a tomato farmer instead?
  • 4
    Lol, only 100 tabs open?

    My desktop has 400+, android is more but no idea how to work out how many...
  • 3
    @swagnette 100 is ok.
    My phone's doing great at 500+

    There was a time where I spent almost an entire hour closing these 500+ tabs on my phone.

    It's at 200+ now
  • 6
    @-ANGRY-STUDENT- 500+?!? i'm calling the cops
  • 1
    I once lost 800+ tabs on Desktop which were even nicely grouped. Can relate.
  • 6
    Doesn't anyone except me use bookmarks?
  • 1
    @nibor No, you're the only one.

    My opinion is that bookmarks suck, but that might just be my way of (not) handling them. Not that having 100s of tabs open is much better though.
  • 1
    @nibor on mobile, tab groups are nicer imo. Can you even open a bookmark folder in a tab group on any mobile browser?
  • 2
    @ostream stop making fun plz. how will i know which tab was closed and which one was open. i do browsing mainly in desktop. and there's no separate history for phone. the "tabs from other devices" is showing only last 11 tabs.
  • 1
  • 2
    @darkwind ok imma just plug my keyboard into my phone (I've actually done that many times)
  • 2
    @ostream mobile browsers don't usually keep all tabs in memory. It matters if the tab was open or closed because you don't otherwise know if you were supposed to go through it when you're bored or not.
  • 0
  • 0
    I start to get anxious and start cleaning out when I have more than 10 tabs open. I can't imagine the horror of having hundreds open. Is this some kind of cult? Also tab groups on Android can go die in a fire.
  • 0
    @mcalis tab groups on mobile are essential because you can't have many browser windows open ole you do on a PC
  • 0
    @Oktokolo but can you open all bookmarks in a folder on any mobile browser? And can you bookmark a whole tab group?
  • 0
    Don't know. I rarely use more than three tabs on my mobile - but i also don't use its screen as an umbrella...

    Even with tab groups and shit - scrolling through literally hundreds of tabs on a mobile to select the one to show...
    that just can't possibly be a nice user experience.
  • 0
    Use firefox
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