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    @enitoni But still, some lazyness is necessary for good coding:

    loops, functions and reusable code are all for saving you work.
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    You should look at banks' , they hire monkeys
  • 3
    And thus we were given Clippy and Vista.
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    @-xlf That is smart design, not laziness.
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    @nblackburn designed by lazy people. It sure would be possible to do that without such constructs
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    Is that Chandler from Friends in the bottom picture?
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    Also, I think the quote is hyperbole to get a point across. Not a literal hiring strategy.
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    @tizo there are 2 types of lazy. Short term lazy and long term lazy. The 2nd one thinks of ways to automate complex processes, write tests and clean code, reduce/prevent technical debt... so they don't want to kill themselves later fixing prod issues.
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    @billgates ok. Thanks?
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    @tizo well you said "Think it's a hyperbole" but I think it's quite literal, being long term lazy. Spend 10mins writing shitty code, spend 1 week trying to fix it.

    Vs spends 2hr writing well designed code + tests + documentation. 0 issues AND future changes are able to be added very quickly.
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