
What is your team’s practice when it comes to putting ticket numbers in your commits and branch names? Is it optional for your branch naming? In your commit message, do you put it at the beginning or end of a commit message?

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    We link the pull request with the work item

    Commit messages and branch names are chaos and I love it
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    git commit -m "<ticket-number> - this is a thing that does x for y"

    Branching is feature/<ticket-number> and then that is merged into a shared "dev" branch to handle the conflicts early.

    As we have GitHub hooked up to Jira the commits are available on the tickets and we can easily see what work has been done for said ticket without digging through git log or history.
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    Commit message: "#000 Did this and that"
    Branch: "flowprefix/000-issues-summary"

    Simple sweet, but verbose enough (opinionated).
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