Coding destroyed my life. I used to be tripping and seeing flowers,now i feel like media breakpoints,i used to dream about jungle,now i dream about creating components,i used to have a few problems,now i have nothing else but problems,and here i am at 7am ranting for the first time on a nerd application which i didnt get the rants about... But now i laugh...

Where is this going????

  • 3
    Welcome to devrant, you'll have fun here
  • 2
    Howdy and welcome!
  • 8
    Have you entertained the idea that having exposure to both tripping and coding might help somehow. Like maybe the symmetries of nature inspire you in symmetries of your components. Or how each natural process can be thought of as automaton and then which model of computation, that you know, might express the automaton the best.

    Irrespective of how relevant or interesting the above is, all I can say is - Such is life!

    Welcome to devRant.
  • 2
    Hehe thanks. I could add so much more, but was too happy signing in for my first post ;)

    Great community here (L)
  • 2
    You have joined the dark side. Sorry to tell you this so late. But look on tje bright side we have cookies here and everybody is nice and cool
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