
I’m in the middle of interview stages for a new job, how do I tell them I changed my mind and don’t want to continue without burning bridges? Or am I just rude

  • 13
    You owe them nothing.
  • 11
    Just tell them politely that you changed your mind and you don't want to waste their and your precious time by continuing the interview
  • 8
    Go for the offer. Present to current employer. Augment.
  • 9
    Just tell them. Ideally, be honest as to why, but if they decided not to progress with you, they'd be unlikely to say why.

    It's not rude. They do it more.
  • 5
    “I can no longer proceed with the interview process.”
  • 9
    On the contrary, being rude is not responding at all.

    I always prefer the "Thank you for your offer and for your time, I already accepted another position with a better offer. I wish you the best of luck in your endeavors. "
  • 14
    I have lost count how many times just plain honesty has worked wonders for me in such situations
  • 6
    Ask for the bathroom and never come back.
  • 8
    Tell them you love them and they'll probably leave you, too 😢
  • 2
    1. Confess you were actually interviewing for a friend, to see if the job is good

    2. Recommend the friend.

    3. I'm the friend.


    Absolutely shameless.

    But seriously, you don't owe them. An interview, as someone told me not so long ago, is a two way deal, where you both decide if you're right for each other.
  • 3
    I agree with @FuckiOS, just go thru the process. Get the offer. And go back to whatever you were planning to do anyways. If you want, you can use the offer to get raise or a better offer wherever you decided to stay.
  • 1
    @jotamontecino it can't be that hard everyone is doing it. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Instagram. I'm sure you can get it done in a week.
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