
OOP is literally the worst that happened in programming history.

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    Meh. As opposed to?

    Me thinks either you don't understand what you're bitching about or are a naive evangelicalist of some other paradigm you don't entirely understand.
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    @atheist everything that allows you to override and extend is doomed to be a clusterf**k.

    A dog and a table both have four legs, but only one can walk and bark.
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    @8lall0 so... You've read and understood SOLID then?

    You can write confusing code in any language. Any paradigm. However a set and a list implement the same "iterable" abstraction, so why not program against that? Then if elsewhere you need to change one for the other, you still can.
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    @atheist that's literally nice theory that no one applies and that's against inheritance.
    A interface is enough if you need same behavior with different implementations.
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    @8lall0 some of us write good code.

    Stop being a troll.
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    That’s because people don’t understand design patterns doesn’t mean OOP is bad, 99% of OOP code is bad cause someone decided to do something better then how it’s done in the book.

    And my last sentence is about everything that people fuck up agile, oop, cars, planes, knives. They fuck it up cause they decide not to do something like book says. Start from fucking doing like book says and when you hit the limit read the book again cause you clearly didn’t understood it.

    If you hit real limit you can write to the author if he lives and if he responds you really hit the limit and if not read the book again you fucking moron.
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    And still better, by thousands of magnitudes, than anything we humans have come up with.
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    you misspelled "javascript"
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    Allow me to introduce you to VBA.
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    Soap might be a contender and is even related to objects.
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    Something that helped me with my oop code. Try and reduce side effects in functions. Be explicit about non-modifying calls. Also, try to keep my inheritance shallow. I have also been exploring component systems to reduce specialization. I have been learning a lot from other paradigms.
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    Poor attempt at trolling.
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    @-red @Root I Wish, i'm serious.
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    It depending on what your project is ...if your project is a simple calculator app , why classes , inheritance, etc are required?

    In some cases OOP are required , sometimes not.

    Oop is not bad entirely. It depending what you do. For instance if you would to do a SIP backend service in OOP then I understand why OOP will be super bad.

    Or do you mean you think Oop is bad because language like JavaScript or entirely?
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    @vane very spot on!
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    @8lall0 SOLID is applied by people, including myself. A lot of paradigms are applied by people attempting to a do a good job, not just a job. Unfortunately most developers have no interest beyond making something work, and once they can they stop learning. Most bad OOP is not even OOP in my book, it's just random shit slapped together. To call something OOP or functional it actually has to be written trying to follow disciplines.

    But tbh I can't comment on FP Vs OOP as I have not tried to architect a system via FP and wouldn't know where to start.
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    @Crost I read a book that shows how to write functional oop. It was really interesting.
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    @johnmelodyme unfortunately that’s learned from experience
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    @prodigy214 fucking things up at a massive scale is always possible with any paradigm.
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    you're the worst that happened to programming industry
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    @prodigy214 well there's no need, but there's no need to not love or hate them either. They are different after all so you may prefer one over the other.
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    @rEaL-jAsE pretty much everything:
    - bind functions with data is stupid
    - if i need a simple function i have to instantiate a class for that (or having It static, but it introduces a global thing which is bad)
    - extend a class is the recipe for disasters. I can avoid that, but at that point what's the advantage of using classes?
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