fuck printers

and fuck especially their never working garbage software

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    How hard could it possibly be to write a printer driver that doesn't suck? It must be more difficult than it seems because I have yet to find a printer with drivers that just work without any fuss.
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    @EmberQuill If only there was like an international standard that we could all agree on

    there probably is its just that the handful of companies who have the oligopoly dont give a shit about it
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    Fuck paper
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    Printers work just fine if you replace the software provided by their manufacturers with Cups on Linux.
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    @Oktokolo not always, we have cups at work and its mot a week without at least some of them having some trouble.

    Ut as with any software, if you add to many devices to a network your going to find all edge cases eventually ;)

    We have over a thousand in total.
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    Printers are the epitome of "batshit crazy".

    Doesn't matter which OS or driver

    Once a printer decides it's time to be the arsehole cat that just randomly destroys everything to feel bliss or get attention, it's over...

    Had to deal > 5 years with office and large industry printers. Don't know how many times I just reinstalled the same driver N times and suddenly it worked like a charm for no reason at all...

    Printers are a nemesis of mine.
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    My printer lets you set up a very long password. But when you try to log in, it's wrong. The password was silently truncated to some amount of characters, so you can log in by cutting out the end.
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    @Oktokolo do they? I couldn't even add my printer on Linux, so I ended up moving the PDF on my phone and using the official Epson app to print it.

    @electrineer that is truly amazing design
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    Next escalation step after using Cups on Linux: Using Cups on Linux and connecting the Printer via USB to that Linux.

    Final escalation step:
    Using Cups on _your_ Linux and connecting the Printer via USB locally.
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