Tip: Use Ctrl+Backspace to delete a whole word.

  • 2
    Use Ctrl+delete to delete whole words forward.

    Use Ctrl+left/right to jump across whole words.

    Use Ctrl+shift+left/right to select whole words.

    Some editors allow you to hold alt and move whole lines up and down.

    Some editors will delete whole lines with shift+delete
  • 1
    If you want to select any text from a hyperlink,

    ALT + select the hyperlink text.

    This was the latest and coolest shortcut I learned recently.
  • 9
    Unplug cables from the server to prevent cyber attacks.q
  • 3
    Pasting with windows key + v causes a pop-up that lets you select from your clipboard history on windows.
  • 0
    Ctrl+home to move to the beginning of a file, ctrl+end to the end. That cluster above the arrow keys is the most important part of a keyboard. It sucks that laptops fuck it up.
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