JIRA, the haiku (w/Bonus Dilbert strip)

Please make a ticket
Please move the ticket you made
Please tag your ticket

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    Advice taken
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    I have done exactly this. It works wonders.

    I got a JIRA ticket asking me to fix a server that had gone down. I'm on the Cloud Engineering team and it was an AWS EC2 instance so I did some basic troubleshooting. The instance was fine, up and reachable. Their web app had crashed. So I got back to the team and said they had to fix their backend.

    Turns out their backend guy left the company and they didn't bother to hire a replacement. Nobody on their team knew anything about backend web dev. So I told them they'd have to find a new one to fix their app themselves, since I don't do web development and their infrastructure was fine.

    And I never spoke to them again. It's been two years. Their site is still down.
  • 2
    @bedanta I see them daily. Because my life is a combination Dilbert comic/Groundhog Day movie.
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